Newborn Basics: A Complete Guide for First-Time Parents

If you just had your first baby, we at Pediatric Associates of Denham Springs know it can be a challenging experience that may severely impact your little one. For example, we can help you through your newborn care in Denham Springs, LA, to ensure that things go smoothly. Here’s what you need to know about caring for your little one, especially if you’re a first-time parent.

Handling Your Baby

As a parent, it’s important to regularly wash your hands or use hand sanitizer before handling your baby to avoid getting them sick. Never shake them because they’re delicate; always cradle their head and neck. Although it might seem obvious not to shake them, some parents might think it’s fun to playfully wiggle their babies, which can be potentially dangerous.

Baby Bonding

At Pediatric Associates of Denham Springs, we can’t emphasize the importance of proper bonding. It helps improve your newborn care in Denham Springs, LA, and strengthens your connection with your little one. Hold them regularly, play with them when possible, and let them feel comfortable in your arms. Wrapping them is particularly smart because it can make them feel even more cozy.

Diapering a Baby

Regularly change your baby (up to 10 times a day or 70 times a week), keep your supplies close, and always use water, cotton balls, washcloths, or wipes to keep the baby's bottom clean. Use diaper cream to manage rash and wash your hands to ensure the baby's health. Give the baby sponge baths regularly (2-3 times weekly) to keep them healthy.

Feeding Your Baby

A newborn needs to be fed every 2-3 hours, whether you’re breastfeeding or bottle feeding. You’ll know they’re eating enough if they don’t make sucking noises with their mouths or keep putting fingers in their mouths. You should have several poops to clean a day, so make sure that your child is getting the food that they need and make sure that their formula is well-balanced and healthy.

Sleeping Your Baby

If your child sleeps for about 16 hours daily, don’t worry: that’s normal and healthy. Often, they’ll sleep between 2-4 hours a night before waking up unexpectedly. Always place them on their back when sleeping and avoid putting in blankets, toys, or other items that might affect them. Keep their crib in your room so that you can care for them.

We Can Help

Our team at Pediatric Associates of Denham Springs can help you with newborn care in Denham Springs, LA, and ensure that you get the help that you need. Call us at (225) 665-6677 if you have questions about caring for your child or need hands-on support.

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