Asthma Screening

Asthma Screening in Denham Springs, LA

Asthma Screening Leads the Way to Being Proactive with Asthma

At the Pediatrics Associates of Denham Springs, LA, quality childcare health is number one. Our professionals are experienced, skilled, licensed, compassionate, and deeply devoted, and we are here today to explain asthma screening.

What is Asthma Screening?

According to the American Lung Association, Cleveland Clinic, and the CDC, there are definitive signs and symptoms that your child may have asthma, such as wheezing, frequent coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. However, only a professional can diagnose and treat asthma. 
We take the following steps to determine if your child has asthma or something else.

  • Evaluate symptoms
  • Take the child's health history
  • Do an in-depth physical exam 
  • Order testing/review results
  • Determine the level of severity 
  • Create an individualized treatment plan 

Our skilled and esteemed medical professionals at Pediatrics Associates of Denham Springs, LA, must know your child's health history. 

  • Does your child come in contact with a smoker or with secondhand smoke?
  • Do you have family members who have asthma?
  • Do you know if specific environmental factors or allergies trigger asthma symptoms? 

We may use the latest and most successful testing tools to arrive at an asthma diagnosis. These tests are non-invasive and pain-free. One test is a spirometry, which measures the amount and speed of the air your child blows out and helps us determine how well the lungs work. 
Another test is allergy determination through the blood or skin. A lab draw can tell us your child’s exhaled nitric oxide level and their triggers for inflammation. Since there are various types of asthma, we need to determine what kind of asthma your child displays.  
Each type has different treatment approaches, even though each kind is similar. If we do not believe asthma is the correct diagnosis, we may order further testing. 

Which Common Type of Asthma Does Your Child Have? 

  • Allergic/Non-Allergic 
  • Cough-Variant 
  • Exercise-Induced
  • Obese
  • Medication-Induced
  • Viral-Induced
  • Glucocorticoid-resistant 

We will know if your child has asthma once we examine and test them, so please call 225-665-6677 for The Pediatrics Associates of Denham Springs, LA, to schedule your child's consultation. Asthma can range from mild to life-threatening. If you are seeking a top-quality pediatric professional, contact us, and we will be honored to start a health and wellness journey with you and your child. At each visit, we may make changes to their treatment plan.

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8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm



